I have noted this latest triumph of team over individual with some bemusement and some sadness - I have expressed in the past my disappintment with these new sensitive little cupcakes that mascarade as modern day footballers but now we have them acting as tools of their employers
Make no mistake this was not an act of players united against a greater evil - this was all about a team looking squarley at a limited and fast minishing premierhsip window and needing a rallying point
This is not about an individual that the players could not trust (could not trust give me a break - the last time I looked players need to be able to trust their team mates when they are on the field - they shouldn't give rats what others do away from the ground - despite their protestions to the contrary) this is all about a larger goal - creating a sacrificial lamb
There has been mentioned the Bulldogs team captain was concerned about what might be written about him (not the team just him and a few of his mates) and this upset the poor little Victorian football icon (read as ego)
Now we all understand that Aker has a big mouth but that does that deserve a sacking - let's just measure that against some indiscressions of current players shall we - did he rape someone NO, does he take drugs NO, does he ride down the road with people shooting guns off in the street NO, has he mistreated his wife and children (read as beat them up) NO, does he need a minder, because or many previous incidents of his making such as one of todays very prominent players whenever he goes out in public NO
There are many players withint the current AFL who people could not say definately NO to on the above charges still playing?
I would ask what has changed since his last so called indiscretion ('gay' comment) - answer nothing - the club imposed a penalty (rightly or wrongly) and he paid that price - 2 or 3 weeks passes by nothing further happens and they sack him for passing on team secrets - although they can't say what those secrets were
This sacked player (I am not a Brisbane or Dogs supporter) is probably one of the greatest players ever - certainly when you consider skills on both sides of his body he would have to rank in the greatets ever 2 or 3 and he is treated like a common criminal by his fellow players - what a disgrace
Mark my words this sad episode is nothing to do with a player betrayal of his fellow players it is all about the players betrayal of a single team mate - a further sad indictment of both modern football culture and today's leadership (Management stooges more like it) within the game
A sad day for mateship all round i would have thought and a stain on AFL team brand over substance
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thats '2' for the women of Australia
Some time ago I railed against the stupidity of women in their overprotectiveness of their sons and the great long term damage they were doing to both their sons and to future society.
Well guess what we are now staring down the barrel (nasty picture that creates " I have a loaded vote and I'm not afraid to use it") of another great own goal by these 'virtues of all things nice and pleasant and completely illogical'.
The own goal I am refering to is the completely illogical view by apparently the greater majority of women in our country to caste their votes for Julia Gillard (not the Labour party mind you - for Julia) - let's completely ignore the fact that this twat is one of the gang of four that ruled rough shod over the Labour party and every decision that it made (which now seem to be all the fault of Kevin) since elected
Let's ignore the fact that ever single thing they touched they have stuffed up (can anyone name one thing these bozos have got right?) - we can run through the list of Carbon (balls up), schools building program (cock up - aren't the Cathlic Schools laughing like hyenas now), insulation (absolute debacle - apologies it was worse than that - does any one care People Actually Died!!! for gods sake), the health car workers registration (who thought up that one?), the infrastructure spend fiasco (latest independant review quotes B$2+ wasted). the complete run off of the nation's surplus (where have we seen these spendaholics before i wonder - could it be every Labour government since the beginning of time) and the grand daddy of them all the Claytons immigration debate (talk about letting bleeding hearts drive the bus over a cliff -thats the debate we are having but are not allowed to have?)
So lets forget all about this stuff and vote for a women because she is women
One of the reasons why our country has some of the issues it has is the current propensity to ignore logic and skip down the pathway to 'Disneyland'
You know I must admit that some of Labour's ideas are worthy indeed it's just they have no idea of how to put the damn things in place (no real disrespect to our local fruit mongers but Labour government's have shown time and time again they couldn't manage a corner deli let alone a two tiered economy)
Now let's get back to 'boat people' - and lets not kid each other that's what they are - I hear all the bloody bleeding socialites on Channel 2 (ABC - and other channels to be fair) screaming to use other less neagtive names but lets face it all of you down there at Aunty's feed bin try selling some of the garbage you are spinning to Mr and Mrs elderly retired who cant get into hospital to ease their chronic pain or to Ms Jones who is a single mum with 2 kids and cant get some where safe to sleep at night (on that issue it is one of society's great disgraces that our government cannot fund sufficient law enforcement to adequately protect such people from fathers or ex partners who have aggression issues - in a just world these bastards should be taken out the back of the shed and dealt with - permanently) or to Mr and Mrs Stressed out with a disabled child and no government assistance
The list goes on and on and on - no comment from the bleeding hearts about existing Australians who are suffering who could greatly use the hundreds of millions of dollars that our government is spending on these interlopers (nope they dont mention the costs they only mention the so called minimal numners of people) - now I understand that in many cases the lives of those overseas can be tragic but life is tragic, life can be tough, life is what life is - IT IS NOT DISNEYLAND that we live in - someone has to pay for this stuff - not just the dollar cost but the emotional and real cost to underprivilaged AUSTRALIANS (that's those that are already here by the way)
How much did it cost to bring those families recently into country WA and not only feed them and cloth them and entertain them but also to completely uniform and school their children - not half measures there mind you - new unforms books and three new classrooms - having a child in a state primary school at the moment where due to a lack of funds they have impliment split classes and 2 classes in the same room and parent shave to have fund raising night to fund electronic white boards! I am thinking perhaps our local teachers may have something to say about where the funds might be better spent!
So go ahead you women of Australia stuff this one up too* and in 6/9 months time when 'Gillard's government have stuffed it up again I will comeback again to remind you of your great stupidity again
* I was here going to acknowledge all the great things that they add to our society but that's sounds pretty patronising so I leave it at that
Well guess what we are now staring down the barrel (nasty picture that creates " I have a loaded vote and I'm not afraid to use it") of another great own goal by these 'virtues of all things nice and pleasant and completely illogical'.
The own goal I am refering to is the completely illogical view by apparently the greater majority of women in our country to caste their votes for Julia Gillard (not the Labour party mind you - for Julia) - let's completely ignore the fact that this twat is one of the gang of four that ruled rough shod over the Labour party and every decision that it made (which now seem to be all the fault of Kevin) since elected
Let's ignore the fact that ever single thing they touched they have stuffed up (can anyone name one thing these bozos have got right?) - we can run through the list of Carbon (balls up), schools building program (cock up - aren't the Cathlic Schools laughing like hyenas now), insulation (absolute debacle - apologies it was worse than that - does any one care People Actually Died!!! for gods sake), the health car workers registration (who thought up that one?), the infrastructure spend fiasco (latest independant review quotes B$2+ wasted). the complete run off of the nation's surplus (where have we seen these spendaholics before i wonder - could it be every Labour government since the beginning of time) and the grand daddy of them all the Claytons immigration debate (talk about letting bleeding hearts drive the bus over a cliff -thats the debate we are having but are not allowed to have?)
So lets forget all about this stuff and vote for a women because she is women
One of the reasons why our country has some of the issues it has is the current propensity to ignore logic and skip down the pathway to 'Disneyland'
You know I must admit that some of Labour's ideas are worthy indeed it's just they have no idea of how to put the damn things in place (no real disrespect to our local fruit mongers but Labour government's have shown time and time again they couldn't manage a corner deli let alone a two tiered economy)
Now let's get back to 'boat people' - and lets not kid each other that's what they are - I hear all the bloody bleeding socialites on Channel 2 (ABC - and other channels to be fair) screaming to use other less neagtive names but lets face it all of you down there at Aunty's feed bin try selling some of the garbage you are spinning to Mr and Mrs elderly retired who cant get into hospital to ease their chronic pain or to Ms Jones who is a single mum with 2 kids and cant get some where safe to sleep at night (on that issue it is one of society's great disgraces that our government cannot fund sufficient law enforcement to adequately protect such people from fathers or ex partners who have aggression issues - in a just world these bastards should be taken out the back of the shed and dealt with - permanently) or to Mr and Mrs Stressed out with a disabled child and no government assistance
The list goes on and on and on - no comment from the bleeding hearts about existing Australians who are suffering who could greatly use the hundreds of millions of dollars that our government is spending on these interlopers (nope they dont mention the costs they only mention the so called minimal numners of people) - now I understand that in many cases the lives of those overseas can be tragic but life is tragic, life can be tough, life is what life is - IT IS NOT DISNEYLAND that we live in - someone has to pay for this stuff - not just the dollar cost but the emotional and real cost to underprivilaged AUSTRALIANS (that's those that are already here by the way)
How much did it cost to bring those families recently into country WA and not only feed them and cloth them and entertain them but also to completely uniform and school their children - not half measures there mind you - new unforms books and three new classrooms - having a child in a state primary school at the moment where due to a lack of funds they have impliment split classes and 2 classes in the same room and parent shave to have fund raising night to fund electronic white boards! I am thinking perhaps our local teachers may have something to say about where the funds might be better spent!
So go ahead you women of Australia stuff this one up too* and in 6/9 months time when 'Gillard's government have stuffed it up again I will comeback again to remind you of your great stupidity again
* I was here going to acknowledge all the great things that they add to our society but that's sounds pretty patronising so I leave it at that
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