Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's good in this world
Lots of things, Trees (put your hand on a big tree and you can feel the earth breathing), a good steak, red wine, a child's giggle (girl), my teams winning (sorry am not a good loser - you may have guessed), a blue sky with 'The Simpsons' clouds (always wanted to be able to paint that), my wifes patience (mystical), when the good guys win (movie, book doesn't matter), portraits (geez some people have talent), Mowtown and Michael Jackson (music only - the rest is a bit weird), The Beatles (of course), mum's triffle, mother inlaws seasoned yorkshore pudding, Quairading, charitable people, Singapore (love Singapore), Scarborough Beach, memories that make you smile (I like those a lot)

Modern Mothers

Can I be bothered to comment on the 2nd worst disease within our society – Women – yep I can.

Now before half of you (read that as probably 2/3rds being the obvious half plus those males out there who perhaps are the real root cause of many issues about to be written about after having been ‘spoken’ to by their female partners) go off the deep end (and frankly I don’t give a rats) it’s not perhaps best defined as ‘Women’ who are the problem – it’s probably better defined as ‘Women who let their maternal instinct over ride any remotely concerning logic and reality’

Now I’ve done it – opened the door to whole hordes of females shouting sexist pig etc etc – well ladies listen up

One of the causes of the problems of this world is there is too much talking and discussing and not enough doing (could give you 50 examples if you have time – probably after you have cooked dinner – sorry couldn’t resist that) and let’s face it which of the two sexes is more (read as all) about talking things out, no smacking (Jesus you can get convicted of assault for holding someone’s arm these days) no physical options whatever, the formation of committee and reviews royal commission are all women’s doing – a good way to defer doing what we all know has to be done.

Has anyone else noted the inclusion into our society of metro sexual, mum’s making their boys were helmets playing cricket – not batting mind you no no no, in the field for god sake – speaking of helmets there are a bunch of mothers in Victoria (the supposed home of the greatest game on the planet) who won’t let their little ‘Johnnies’ play football (not soccer for god sake – geez don’t those guys fall down like 10 pins when someone taps them on the ankle) without a helmet on – no previous injuries, no previous incidents, just ‘coz’ – just in case Johnny might get hurt – never let the fact that some hundreds of thousands of boys (and regretfully girls) play the game every year and about 3 of them get hurt ( I think 2 had bruised toes and one ran into a goal post – his parents are suing the goal post manufacturing company for assault)

What’s the problem with that some of you out there with nominal intelligence may say – well for those of you who can’t read the “Claude Neons’ what we are creating is mob of sickly individuals who will never be tested, never be challenged, never be put upon to stand up either for the right thing or their mates – bloody Un-Australian it is (some would say bloody ‘un K Rudd like’ ay cobber mate – stone the flipping crows – Jesus what a twat that guy is – the sad thing if he stopped all the bullshit and just got on with the job he might just do a half go of it – on that subject he does need to get rid of the token female deputy PM – we cannot ever have a PM who looks a bit like a ferret peering out of a hole)

Don’t you realise that boys today have more girl friends that they do mates – always discussing things, advising them about their love life for god’s sake, gossiping with them and the worst sitting amongst them carrying on 5 different conversation at once – you may have wanted a girl in the first place but that’s no excuse – this country doesn’t need nice boys for future leaders – what our country needs is leaders not committee chairman and certainly not the level of quality we currently have – if I am so wrong why is every state a financial and ethical and moral basket case, why are our sons and daughters for that matter getting blind drunk every week, why is it there is no respect either for parents or authority or general consideration of others, why is violence growing in every state, why are drugs getting out of hand – it is because there are no ramifications for our actions, there is no fear of consequences, no fear of anything really, there are no rules, no penalties, no rights for victims and every possible escape clause under the sun for those who transgress

Now to be honest i don’t give a flying rats arse whether it is men or women who deliver us from the festering sore that is growing daily in our midst but I would be happy to bet is more likely to be some one who stands up in front of the Australian people and says – I think we should do it this way, and no that is unacceptable and this is the way we want our society to behave and if you don’t like don’t vote for me and historically speaking that is more likely to be a man.

So here it is mothers of Australia: loosen up the reins on our sons – let them get out and climb a tree, swing on ropes into a river, build a go cart (without a 3 tiered brake back up plan and air bags front and rear), wrestle with his mates (preferably not in ‘Jello’) and generally be a boy (break an arm if they must) – not the emaciated excuses for the male gender that we are creating now

Rant No. 3

Imagine there’s no heaven - it’s easy if you try - no hell below us - above us only sky – (now there was an artist not like these pathetic wannabies that abound today)

I saw these words this morning in an article and it sparked in me something that has been eating at me for a while

Why is it apparently that more people now are saying they believe in heaven (aka God) – what is this need to lean on something – to feel there is something out there that loves them – that confirms to them there is something after death

Fear is the issue – for goodness sake people – show some bloody spine – learn to walk on your own two feet

Ok i get it life can be a bitch sometimes but what is your life like compared to some unfortunate others – don’t you get it you only get one – there is no life number 2

I will admit that i constantly have to remind myself of the good things – now there something worth ranting about – the negativity in todys media – the greatest blight in our society today – people complain about politicians (rightly so) and lawyers (prats) and used car sales man but they all pale into consideration as the worst parasites on our planet to the media (put the lot of them on the rack) – blood sucking bastards – talk about if it bleeds it leads – these prats have taken it to a whole new level – one good thing about dictatorships I suppose if they keep the media in line – toe the line or they chop it off – maybe that’s what we need a little ‘guided democracy’

Dad used to have a number of pearlers

  • the safest place to be when a women is throwing something at you is where you are (there was one girl once who showed me a one time error of that statement –got me right between the eyes – cant remember her name – good arm!),
  • if you walk with the lame for too long (apologies to those who actually have trouble walking) you will develop a limp and
  • democracy is not open ended

Geez he was right on the last one – to many people seem to think these days they can do what they like – selfish pricks

Now on that subject I know there are some (perhaps many) who believe it’s wrong to censor (particularly the internet) sorry people you are so wrong it’s not funny ( I do know it is a whole other story on whether it is possible) – the problems we are having today are based on humans being weak – that leads to them pushing the moral and ethical and what is right boundaries as far as bloody possible – what that means is they push it too far. What’s too far you say – i have been shown sites that feature little girls etc etc (why haven’t those responsible been taken out the back and shot?? – we now have a paedophile association publicly stating there is nothing wrong with what they they do – as my daughters would say WTF (is that right?)

A good example at perhaps a lesser level is what appears on the surface an innocent thing – the current phenomenon of bagging ‘wrangers’ (is that how you spell it?) – to those out there doing it (morons) you don’t see the hurt and the real issues this stuff creates – ok may be they see it as less than bagging a black person or one of the very many entries to our country that are forever changing the Australian ethic to something K Rudd can relate to (now that’s a bad thing and a whole other rant – have done that already?) – take that on line conversation of redheads online and put into a country with so much baggage its frightening and Uncle Sam starts to find Redheads getting beat up in streets (perhaps even being put into hospital) – What’s next attacking poofs (who would have thunk it)

Kids Today; Just Don't Get "It"

‘It’ applies to most everything – responsibility, ethic, consideration, respect, you get out what you put in etc (that clearly doesn’t work for them coz they never get anything out (for those of you who don’t get it – probably under the age of 25 – that’s because they don’t put anything in (and that ‘Zits’ cartoon – I just want to reach in there and smack him one – did someone say smack no not ‘smack’ – we aren’t allowed to touch the little precious ones – quite apart from the fact that the little shits sometimes usually almost always deserve a good talking to (read as discussion with a bit of 4x2) – despite the fact that talking to them is absolutely pointless as they know everything (didn’t we all) – I can still remember dad giving me one of those looks when I was that age (read as young and stupid) and saying one day mate you will understand – and saying something like “you will look back and say – you know the old man as right” – well dad you were right. And the amazing thing is that when you share that little gem of a story (straight from the heart) to younger people (read as morons) they just look at you and say sure dad ‘ like you’d know’

There was a famous line in ‘Guess who’s coming to dinner’ when Sydney Poitier says to his father – “ I owe you nothing – you brought me into this world etc etc (or something like that) – that’s absolute bullshit – whoever wrote that should be taken out and ‘tarred and feathered’ – now they were the days

And whilst we are on the subject of retarded juveniles what has it been with Dockers supporters – how is they have put up with the crap they have been dealt by their club their players and their board for the past 15 odd years – it’s enough to turn a grown man (women know nothing about football) towards religion – now there is a subject of great uselessness – now I firmly believe there is a greater force somewhere out there and have truly experienced the wrath of the Yin Yang and the cricket gods when I have opened my big mouth once or twice too often (done that a few times to might i say) but to accept that a God such as the one that is most bandied around in the western world that accepts and allows the crap that goes down is bordering on the ludicrous – what kind of god allows the stuff that recently happened in China with the meat cleavers and kids – if that’s god then it’s a god then someone wants to have a good look at his job description ( I would completely recant all of that bit if He (and it has to be a he – it has to be a man that created the earth and the heavens – if it was a female they would still be in committee) allowed me to go back and say goodbye to dad (just once – not much to ask of an all seeing and doing god i would have thought – one goodbye for a soul (perhaps a bit bent around the edges but essentially unscathed by the perversions of drugs and immoral women (except that one time in band camp)

Where was I oh yeah Kids useless mob* they are

*except those who play sport really well, those who laugh at my jokes (there’s a rare breed), those who work in soup kitchens, raise money for charities, help little old ladies across the street or Uni students who protest about everything –(more power to them, even when their cause is crap – without the likes of those guys and girls we might still be in Vietnam

Banging the Empty Drum that is K Rudd

I am wondering whether it is finally the time that the Australian people are finally starting to realise the empty vessel that our prime minister is.

Now I should say at this early point that I must admit that governing effectively our country in this environment of overly negative media, grossly self indulgent public groups, effectively 2 economies (WA and the rest), the general low standard of politicians available and an obese and largely incompetent public service sector is not an easy task. The man is like an air brushed photo of Angelina Jolie – when you peel away the facade you see the wrinkles the varicose veins and the cellulite. I am not stating that Tony “the Budgie Smuggler’ would necessarily do any better but the key word here is DO – K Rudd doesn’t do ‘the do’ he only talks ‘the do’

And what is it with every time he is on TV he has a group of human versions of those dogs you put just inside your rear car window standing behind him looking at the back of his head or with the jingoisms (usually out of context) in a vain attempt to link himself with an Australia that fast becoming history only

I believe he only sleeps for approx 3 hours each night so apparently he is a prolific worker – read that at thinker – that’s a real problem with our society we have too many thinkers and theorisers and not enough ‘doers’ – too many people who want to discuss everything – organise a review or a report – public service paradise.

He is claiming credit for keeping Australia our of the GFC – crap – he can thank WA and to some extent Queensland for that – isn’t it interesting that those who have bleated for decades that our economy was doomed because we only dug holes in the ground and didn’t value add before sending our resources offshore have been proven unequivocally wrong – it is the very thing that saved us – along with a bucket load of debt – (and school buildings they didn’t need) – on the debt thing has anybody else queried what happens to the world economy when China stops building roads, bridges and home units, the US economic subsidies stop after June and the EEC finally realises that the Euro is a joke and starts kicking the likes of Greece, Spain etc out

It’s all starting to look like the only safe place to be will be WA – bit like the Ark (from the bible fame) or the ships from 2012 – what a lemon of a movie that was.

Anyway I digress – back to our ‘far whack of the sauce bottle mate’ or something like that K Rudd – the man is an imposter – someone who is better days would been dealt with in the school yard as all little twerps deserve to be ( did someone say ‘bullied’ – not I – now there is a subject talk to any teacher about any issues with your child at school and the first thing they say is has he or she been bullied or are they allergic to peanuts – now that is something where the bloody hell did that come from – when I was at school nobody (read that as nobody at bloody all) was allergic to peanuts now we have mothers who disinfect every damn thing, don’t allow their children to climb trees, have pets or get ‘pre frogs’ from the swamp (forgot what they are called) – they make them wear helmets for god sake playing football – they may them wear then for soccer soon so they don’t hurt their heads when they HEAD the ball – turning our whole society in to a need for larger parades through Sydney (no I am not Homophobic (it is a good sounding word though isn’t it) bit like peanut allergy perhaps – do they have a name for that

It’s all K Rudd’s fault