I am wondering whether it is finally the time that the Australian people are finally starting to realise the empty vessel that our prime minister is.
Now I should say at this early point that I must admit that governing effectively our country in this environment of overly negative media, grossly self indulgent public groups, effectively 2 economies (WA and the rest), the general low standard of politicians available and an obese and largely incompetent public service sector is not an easy task. The man is like an air brushed photo of Angelina Jolie – when you peel away the facade you see the wrinkles the varicose veins and the cellulite. I am not stating that Tony “the Budgie Smuggler’ would necessarily do any better but the key word here is DO – K Rudd doesn’t do ‘the do’ he only talks ‘the do’
And what is it with every time he is on TV he has a group of human versions of those dogs you put just inside your rear car window standing behind him looking at the back of his head or with the jingoisms (usually out of context) in a vain attempt to link himself with an Australia that fast becoming history only
I believe he only sleeps for approx 3 hours each night so apparently he is a prolific worker – read that at thinker – that’s a real problem with our society we have too many thinkers and theorisers and not enough ‘doers’ – too many people who want to discuss everything – organise a review or a report – public service paradise.
He is claiming credit for keeping Australia our of the GFC – crap – he can thank WA and to some extent Queensland for that – isn’t it interesting that those who have bleated for decades that our economy was doomed because we only dug holes in the ground and didn’t value add before sending our resources offshore have been proven unequivocally wrong – it is the very thing that saved us – along with a bucket load of debt – (and school buildings they didn’t need) – on the debt thing has anybody else queried what happens to the world economy when China stops building roads, bridges and home units, the US economic subsidies stop after June and the EEC finally realises that the Euro is a joke and starts kicking the likes of Greece, Spain etc out
It’s all starting to look like the only safe place to be will be WA – bit like the Ark (from the bible fame) or the ships from 2012 – what a lemon of a movie that was.
Anyway I digress – back to our ‘far whack of the sauce bottle mate’ or something like that K Rudd – the man is an imposter – someone who is better days would been dealt with in the school yard as all little twerps deserve to be ( did someone say ‘bullied’ – not I – now there is a subject talk to any teacher about any issues with your child at school and the first thing they say is has he or she been bullied or are they allergic to peanuts – now that is something where the bloody hell did that come from – when I was at school nobody (read that as nobody at bloody all) was allergic to peanuts now we have mothers who disinfect every damn thing, don’t allow their children to climb trees, have pets or get ‘pre frogs’ from the swamp (forgot what they are called) – they make them wear helmets for god sake playing football – they may them wear then for soccer soon so they don’t hurt their heads when they HEAD the ball – turning our whole society in to a need for larger parades through Sydney (no I am not Homophobic (it is a good sounding word though isn’t it) bit like peanut allergy perhaps – do they have a name for that
It’s all K Rudd’s fault
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