Can I be bothered to comment on the 2nd worst disease within our society – Women – yep I can.
Now before half of you (read that as probably 2/3rds being the obvious half plus those males out there who perhaps are the real root cause of many issues about to be written about after having been ‘spoken’ to by their female partners) go off the deep end (and frankly I don’t give a rats) it’s not perhaps best defined as ‘Women’ who are the problem – it’s probably better defined as ‘Women who let their maternal instinct over ride any remotely concerning logic and reality’
Now I’ve done it – opened the door to whole hordes of females shouting sexist pig etc etc – well ladies listen up
One of the causes of the problems of this world is there is too much talking and discussing and not enough doing (could give you 50 examples if you have time – probably after you have cooked dinner – sorry couldn’t resist that) and let’s face it which of the two sexes is more (read as all) about talking things out, no smacking (Jesus you can get convicted of assault for holding someone’s arm these days) no physical options whatever, the formation of committee and reviews royal commission are all women’s doing – a good way to defer doing what we all know has to be done.
Has anyone else noted the inclusion into our society of metro sexual, mum’s making their boys were helmets playing cricket – not batting mind you no no no, in the field for god sake – speaking of helmets there are a bunch of mothers in Victoria (the supposed home of the greatest game on the planet) who won’t let their little ‘Johnnies’ play football (not soccer for god sake – geez don’t those guys fall down like 10 pins when someone taps them on the ankle) without a helmet on – no previous injuries, no previous incidents, just ‘coz’ – just in case Johnny might get hurt – never let the fact that some hundreds of thousands of boys (and regretfully girls) play the game every year and about 3 of them get hurt ( I think 2 had bruised toes and one ran into a goal post – his parents are suing the goal post manufacturing company for assault)
What’s the problem with that some of you out there with nominal intelligence may say – well for those of you who can’t read the “Claude Neons’ what we are creating is mob of sickly individuals who will never be tested, never be challenged, never be put upon to stand up either for the right thing or their mates – bloody Un-Australian it is (some would say bloody ‘un K Rudd like’ ay cobber mate – stone the flipping crows – Jesus what a twat that guy is – the sad thing if he stopped all the bullshit and just got on with the job he might just do a half go of it – on that subject he does need to get rid of the token female deputy PM – we cannot ever have a PM who looks a bit like a ferret peering out of a hole)
Don’t you realise that boys today have more girl friends that they do mates – always discussing things, advising them about their love life for god’s sake, gossiping with them and the worst sitting amongst them carrying on 5 different conversation at once – you may have wanted a girl in the first place but that’s no excuse – this country doesn’t need nice boys for future leaders – what our country needs is leaders not committee chairman and certainly not the level of quality we currently have – if I am so wrong why is every state a financial and ethical and moral basket case, why are our sons and daughters for that matter getting blind drunk every week, why is it there is no respect either for parents or authority or general consideration of others, why is violence growing in every state, why are drugs getting out of hand – it is because there are no ramifications for our actions, there is no fear of consequences, no fear of anything really, there are no rules, no penalties, no rights for victims and every possible escape clause under the sun for those who transgress
Now to be honest i don’t give a flying rats arse whether it is men or women who deliver us from the festering sore that is growing daily in our midst but I would be happy to bet is more likely to be some one who stands up in front of the Australian people and says – I think we should do it this way, and no that is unacceptable and this is the way we want our society to behave and if you don’t like don’t vote for me and historically speaking that is more likely to be a man.
So here it is mothers of Australia: loosen up the reins on our sons – let them get out and climb a tree, swing on ropes into a river, build a go cart (without a 3 tiered brake back up plan and air bags front and rear), wrestle with his mates (preferably not in ‘Jello’) and generally be a boy (break an arm if they must) – not the emaciated excuses for the male gender that we are creating now
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