Imagine there’s no heaven - it’s easy if you try - no hell below us - above us only sky – (now there was an artist not like these pathetic wannabies that abound today)
I saw these words this morning in an article and it sparked in me something that has been eating at me for a while
Why is it apparently that more people now are saying they believe in heaven (aka God) – what is this need to lean on something – to feel there is something out there that loves them – that confirms to them there is something after death
Fear is the issue – for goodness sake people – show some bloody spine – learn to walk on your own two feet
Ok i get it life can be a bitch sometimes but what is your life like compared to some unfortunate others – don’t you get it you only get one – there is no life number 2
I will admit that i constantly have to remind myself of the good things – now there something worth ranting about – the negativity in todys media – the greatest blight in our society today – people complain about politicians (rightly so) and lawyers (prats) and used car sales man but they all pale into consideration as the worst parasites on our planet to the media (put the lot of them on the rack) – blood sucking bastards – talk about if it bleeds it leads – these prats have taken it to a whole new level – one good thing about dictatorships I suppose if they keep the media in line – toe the line or they chop it off – maybe that’s what we need a little ‘guided democracy’
Dad used to have a number of pearlers
- the safest place to be when a women is throwing something at you is where you are (there was one girl once who showed me a one time error of that statement –got me right between the eyes – cant remember her name – good arm!),
- if you walk with the lame for too long (apologies to those who actually have trouble walking) you will develop a limp and
- democracy is not open ended
Geez he was right on the last one – to many people seem to think these days they can do what they like – selfish pricks
Now on that subject I know there are some (perhaps many) who believe it’s wrong to censor (particularly the internet) sorry people you are so wrong it’s not funny ( I do know it is a whole other story on whether it is possible) – the problems we are having today are based on humans being weak – that leads to them pushing the moral and ethical and what is right boundaries as far as bloody possible – what that means is they push it too far. What’s too far you say – i have been shown sites that feature little girls etc etc (why haven’t those responsible been taken out the back and shot?? – we now have a paedophile association publicly stating there is nothing wrong with what they they do – as my daughters would say WTF (is that right?)
A good example at perhaps a lesser level is what appears on the surface an innocent thing – the current phenomenon of bagging ‘wrangers’ (is that how you spell it?) – to those out there doing it (morons) you don’t see the hurt and the real issues this stuff creates – ok may be they see it as less than bagging a black person or one of the very many entries to our country that are forever changing the Australian ethic to something K Rudd can relate to (now that’s a bad thing and a whole other rant – have done that already?) – take that on line conversation of redheads online and put into a country with so much baggage its frightening and Uncle Sam starts to find Redheads getting beat up in streets (perhaps even being put into hospital) – What’s next attacking poofs (who would have thunk it)
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